Described as Southwestern Pictorial Leather Sculpture, Kull’s signature style is three-dimensional realism. His recent acceptance into the invitation-only Western Artists of America (WAA) now has him competing at their annual exhibit and show with other sculptors whose work is more traditionally in wood, clay, bronze and stone. Having worked with over 14,000 hides in the 30-plus years of his artistic career shows the incredible demand for his work.

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Kull approached his art in a very non-traditional way taking the technique of general leatherwork, and chose only a saddle maker’s knife and clay modeler’s spoon as the sole implements that create his incredible artwork. There is no hammering, no stamping, only a sculpting process that forms the back bone of his technique.

Utilizing the natural hews of leather and specialized dyes along with the colorful blues of turquoise, there is a continuous flow between tradition and innovation creating constant interest in this uniquely sculpted leather.

Kull’s artwork is recognized, appreciated and represented by several prominent galleries and sold internationally. His fine art hangs in the permanent collection of the prestigious Booth Museum of Western Art in Cartersville, Georgia and the Johnson-Humrick Museum in Roscoe Village, Ohio.

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